New Client Experience
This thoughtfully designed introductory session helps you ease into vibroacoustic harp therapy, clarify your wellness goals, and establish a connection with Karen, our experienced VAHT practitioner.
Valid for 90 days
New Client Experience is 2 Parts.
Part 1: Intro & Brief Session, Part2: Single Session
New Client Experience is encouraged but not mandatory.
I am in awe at how much more relaxing it is than getting a hands on massage. I sat in the chair, and not only listened to the strum of the harp, I felt it hit various parts of my body. I felt my body relaxing and melting into the chair. When she was finished, I was so relaxed my arms felt heavy. What a wonderful experience! I highly recommend Karen's therapy. LH
Listen & Enjoy.
"The harp is the instrument of angels, graceful and elegant. Healing and comfort through music and sound."