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Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy

Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy is a specialized form of harp therapy that blends the ancient traditions of the healing harp and modern technology. Often described as a musical massage, the harp,  with its soothing timbre and spiritual associations, has been revered as a healing instrument by many cultures for thousands of years. Since its inception in 1990, VAHT has reduced pain and enhanced the quality of life for hundreds of patients. VAHT is a whole-body therapy tailored to the unique individual that you are.  It is touch-free, scent-free and clients experience virtually zero negative side effects.  


VAHT involves the live performance of harp music amplified through a sound vibration chair. People of all ages suffering from work overload or are dealing with a serious medical condition can benefit from VAHT.  Vibroacoustic Harp therapy is a powerful modality that will allow your body to  relax and healing to take place. Many people experience relief from anxiety, chronic pain, headaches, fibromyalgia, insomnia, depression, and more following a 45-minute session.






environment of healing, de-stress, calm
VAHT Benefits
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Elevates Mood
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Calms the mind
  • Helps with pain management
  • Relaxes muscle cramps and tension
  • Enhances Sleep
  • Increases blood flow, supporting healthy circulation
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Stimulates muscle tone
  • Balances the energy field
  • Supports lymphatic flow and a healthy immune system
Office hours are by
appointment only.  
A room with a blue-gray wall features a wooden harp, a music stand with sheet music, a black side table with a potted plant, and a white upholstered chair with a gray pillow. Three framed pictures are hung on the wall.


Client Conditions suited

for VAHT Support​​


Stress: A response to daily pressures or a threatening situation. 

     Symptoms include:  headaches, high blood pressure, chest

     pain, heart palpations, skin rashes, loss of sleep

Anxiety:  A reaction to stress.

     Symptoms include:  fear, panic or constant worry without a   

     clear trigger

Depression:  Left unchecked, it may affect every facet of your life.

     Symptoms include:  overwhelming hopelessness, anger, lack of

     motivation or disinterest in life, insomnia, sadness 

Fibromyalgia:  A widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied

      by fatigue, sleep and memory issues.

      Symptoms include:  chronic pain, fatigue, poor sleep Allodynia

      (pain felt on the skin), prickling, tingling, or burning sensations,            muscle spasms, migraines, Dysmenorrhea (lower abdominal

      pain before or during menstruation, anxiety and depression,                cognitive and memory impairment 

Chronic Pain:  Long standing pain lasting beyond usual recovery        periods caused by a chronic health condition.

Insomnia:  A disorder making it hard to fall and/or stay asleep.

     Symptoms include:  waking early, feeling tired, cranky, depress

     or anxious, lack of focus and worries about sleep 

Compassion Fatigue:  A term that describes the physical,     

     emotional, and psychological impact of helping others —

     often through experiences of stress or trauma - most notably          in medical and support professions.

     Symptoms include:  mood swings, detachment, addiction,

     anxiety, depression, insomnia, change of appetite, digestive issues

Burnout:  A state of complete mental, physical and emotional   


     Symptoms include:  headaches, stomach/intestinal issues,

     fatigue, changes in appetite/sleep, sense of failure, withdrawal

     or isolation, outbursts, use of substances to cope, loss of

     motivation, frequent illness, reduced performance in             

     everyday tasks

Grief:  Deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death,

     change of lifestyle such as a move, change/loss of job, or

     relationship status.

     Symptoms include:  emptiness, anxiety, depression, anger,

     denial, shock, guilt, loneliness 

PTSD:  Post-traumatic stress disorder is occurs when a person 

     experiences or witnesses a terrifying event.

     Symptoms include:  nightmares, hypervigilance, self-destructive 

     behavior, social isolation, fear, severe anxiety, loss of interest, 

     guilt, insomnia, emotional detachment or unwanted thoughts


In rare instances, some individuals may temporarily experience negative feelings or memories, or uncomfortable physical sensations.  â€‹If you have very low blood pressure; have had a psychotic episode; post-traumatic-stress-disorder;  there could be a slight risk of an adverse reaction from VAHT.  Please have physician approval and/or have discussed your history of any of the aforementioned disorders with the Vibroacoustic Harp Therapy Practitioner prior to receiving treatment.  





Please Note 

If you have an active bleeding disorder or thrombus; a pacemaker or insulin pump(unless removable);

or are pregnant; you are not eligible to participate in a VAHT Session at this time.

Harp music
used as a
form of therapy
can reduce pain,
anxiety and enhance 
quality of life.

vibroacoustic harp therapy
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